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     Scholars around the world studied SODs chemical and biology properties, molecular 
structure, pharmacological, chemical,etc. from a different angle, different areas, different scope and different depth, using different methods. And established a set of rapid and effective separation, analysis and ientification method. That was a remarkable achievements.1969, Fridovich and MCcord first found SOD in red blood cells, gave a report on the biological significance of superoxide anion radical.Thereafter, a series of creative research work about active oxygen metabolism in molecular biology, it was comparabled with the sensation caused by the famous DNA double helix structure Watson and Crick published in 1953.It meant the SOD research had a significant impact in biochemical.
     Studies of SOD was started from late 70s to early 80s in China, Despite a late start the pace of development is surprising. In 1988 and 1990 in Ningbo and Lanzhou, had national symposium twice. Shanghai, Shantou and other places have also held the symposium many times. Many experts, professors and researchers have been attracted, joined the studies of SOD.
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